السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

to factory reset CAT 3500 XL

Factory reset Catalyst 3500 XL

  1. Connect PC with terminal emulation software to console port via serial cable (9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity)
  2. Press the "Mode" button at the front of the switch and connect the power, keep pressing for 2 more seconds after the LED above 1X port goes off, then release the "Mode" button.
  3. You should see few lines of information at your PC TE saying about: System has been interrupted ...
  4. At the "switch:" prompt issue the "flash_init" command, you should see the information about Initializing Flash ...
  5. Wait untill "switch:" prompt, then issue the command "load_helper".
  6. You should get "switch:" prompt immediately. Issue the command: "dir flash:"
  7. You shoul see files "config.text" and vlan.dat" in your flash, you need to delete these.
  8. Issue the command "delete flash:config.text" and after the warning Are you sure ... confirm by "y".
  9. Issue the command "delete flash:vlan.dat" and after the warning Are you sure ... confirm by "y".
  10. Issue the command "boot", the switch should load IOS with factory default (ie. no configuration file, no vlan database).
