السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Anak -anakku

Anakku Sazali dengarlah
Lagu yang ayahanda karangi
Sifatkan laguku hai anak
Sebagai sahabatmu nanti

Anakku Sazali juwita
Laguku jadikan pelita
Penyuluh di gelap gelita
Pemandu ke puncak bahagia

Andainya kamilah kembali
Menyahut panggilan Ilahi
Laguku sebagai ganti
Dijiwamu hidup abadi
Menjagamu wahai Sazali

Anakku Sazali dengarlah
Lagu yang ayahanda karangi
Sifatkan laguku hai anak
Sebagai sahabatmu nanti

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Switchport port-security - what we MUST know ( err-disabled yang macam HARJA!)

Pendahuluan utk pening kepala... how do we enable the port-security in a switch port?!
That´s easy to answer, using the interface command: switchport port-security.
But, what will be actually configured in this specific switch port if 
we just type this command and nothing else?! It´ll set the switchport to
allow only "one" MAC Address and the Violation mode will be set to Shutdown.

Probably the LAB will ask you something more specific, that´s where you
have to know a few things... The violation mode for example,
we have three violation modes availabe:

*Protected - When a violation occurs, it´ll simple ignore any exceeding
  MAC Addresses, according to your configuration (if you allow only one MAC Address,
  it´ll permit the first MAC Address to transmit, and drop everything else for any
  new MAC Address trying to transmit to this port).

*Restrict - Does exactly the same thing as Protected mode, but will also
  send a SNMP Trap regarding the violation.

*Shutdown - When a violation occurs in the shutdown mode, it sets the
  port to ERRDISABLE state. The port will stop transmitting anything in the ERRDISABLE
  state, also, the port LED will  turn off. It  sends out a SNMP Trap about this.

When a port enters in the ERRDISABLE state you can do a shut and no shut to recover
it! That can be a boring task, if you have many "smart users" in your network.
Fortunately, there´s another way to do that, you can also set it to "autorecovery"
using the feature errdisable recovery (global configuration mode), the commands for this are:

errdisable recovery cause <violation cause>
errdisable recovery interval <#seconds>

For example, if the Port-Security placed a port in ERRDISABLE state, you can set
your switch to recovery it like that:

errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation
errdisable recovery interval 1800

That will recover the port 30min (1800sec) after the violation event!

Another thing to keep in mind is: the command switchport port-security mac-address <MAC>
by itself will not get the configured MAC Address into the running-configuration of your
switch. If you issue a show switchport port-security you´ll see the configured MAC 
there, but not in the show run!

In order to have it in your running configuration, you have to use the STICKY keyword:
switchport port-security mac-address sticky <MAC> that way, the configured MAC Address 
will appear at the running-configuration, and of course, you´ll be able to save it!
If you do not specify any MAC Addresses after the STICKY keyword, the switch will
dynamically learn the attached MAC Address and place it into your running-configuration.

So, for example, to allow two MAC Addresses (1111.1111.1111 and 2222.2222.2222)
at FastEthernet 0/6 (configured as an access-port), and, if any violation to
that rule occurs, the port should be placed in ERRDISABLE state,  recovering
itself after 1hour without any intervation. The MAC Address MUST appear in the

How can we solve that!? Not that difficult, right!? Here´s the answer:

conf t
errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation
errdisable recovery interval 3600
interface fastethernet 0/6
switchport mode access
switchport port-security violation shutdown
switchport port-security maximum 2
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 1111.1111.1111
switchport port-security mac-address sticky 2222.2222.2222

That will meet the requirements of our question!

Also, if you issue a switchport port-security ? under the interface configuration
mode you´ll have all available options for this command (in fact, there are just a few options).

Is it difficult?! Not at all, but, there are some things to keep in mind to be used either
in the exam and in real-life networks!

You can find more information at the following link from Cisco Website:


Sunday, 28 August 2011

now you're up... now you're down...

The world seems to be turning on too fast for me... feel it...? may some of you will starts to think as what i'm thought to be having this 'berbau-ikan' feeling throughout my whole life... adakah kita terperangkap dalam teori kerelatifan masa encik albert einstein???? “setinggi mana pun kau terbang, jangan kau lupa bagaimana ianya bermula...” satu ungkapan yang selalu aku gunakan suatu masa dulu... sometime you're up high, but then in a bilnk of an eye you're down again...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

doing things... thinks outside of the box; really..?

arghhhhh.... penat nya kepala otak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nampak tak benda alah bawah nih...?

aku ingat nak menyenangkan aku... thinking outside of the box la konon... bulan2 posa ni... memang la... dah la tu lenovo dah tak provide recov disc macam dedulu dah... aku call centre, diorang cakap kena bayaq la plak... kena la aku perah kepala otak aku ni plak... tak tahu la plak aku NORTON GHOST ni bodoh sket... menyusahkan aku ja... 

lesson of the day; technology semakin maju... so kepada semua pls la kan... even for a small / basic matter sekalipun, pls pay attention to it...

recovery/system partition to disablekan dia punya attributes dlu la wei... kang menyusah diri sendiri... (kalau pakai norton ghost)

Monday, 15 August 2011

htc photon aku...

mana nak carik tools utk flash android rom kat atas htc photon aku nih? dah lama cari tak jumpak gak.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Time goes by without me noticing how fast it were... Part 2

never look back... betul ka? kekadang perlu jugak tengok blakang kan? baru senang nak gostan keta tak gitu..? i raised my grateful to the Almighty Allah for the prosperousness living yang dah di anugerahkan kepada aku... walu dah dibukakan sebentar jalan yang baik bagi aku suatu masa dulu.. but; things happens for a reason!

there will be no saigon-moment for me in my entire life; insyaAllah..... either i had to sail close to the wind or may i'll be scattered to the four winds; i'm ready for the last ditch mate! Life is no bed of roses...

Time goes by without me noticing how fast it were...

June 07, 2011 - Noor Adrina hadir dalam family kecik aku nih...

Aug 08, 2011
another year being added; Alhamdulillah... praise to ALLAH the Almighty for the blessing and prosperity granted to me and my family.
Dah tua dah......

Looking back after all these years... aku bersyukur kehadrat-Mu ya ALLAH! aku dah ada 2 orang anak... yang comel2..hehehe.. dan seorang bidadari yang sentiasa berada disamping aku dalam apa jua keadaan... syukran ya Rahim...

Sunday, 20 March 2011

An evening with my family...

first family dinner at pizza hut. azmil really enjoyed the evening to giant. a bottle of strawberry champs for him after avoiding his orange-flavored. got 1 nice ballon from hasani for him FOC.

Saturday, 19 March 2011